This is the story of two young Cubans: Yosbel and Carlos. With very rare access, this dramatic film, Fleeing Cuba, shows us, step by step, the process of organizing an “illicit departure” from Cuba.
These two young men get together a crew in order to build a makeshift craft, with materials that are bought in Havana’s black market. They tell us their life stories and the reasons that motivate them to take such a risky endeavour and cross the 90 miles that separates them from their “American dream”.
The escape plan is affected by several unexpected complications and our main character (Yosbel) decides to leave everyone behind and reaches the US through yet another risky route. We catch up with him in Manhattan, where he tells us about the tortuous ordeal that got him into the US.
He also shares with us his reasons for leaving everyone behind as well as his excitement about his new life and a few disappointments, as the reality of the current crisis in the US didn’t match his dream. Six months later, Carlos also found a way to escape the island, but this time heading south, to Ecuador – the only country that is currently giving visas to Cubans.
From there he made his way to Miami via Haiti, Puerto Rico & Georgia courtesy of a bogus marriage.