Family Planning in Nigeria is free for the first time. And local religious and community leaders are supporting it. Young women in the district of Pampaida in northern Nigeria are attending a clinic where they are given advise about family planning.
In this area of Nigeria the favoured method of contraception is the birth control implant. It is a match-stick size rod inserted into the arm, which releases a hormone into the bloodstream.
It is effective for up to three years and can be taken out at any time. As well as meaning that scant resources can go further, a break between pregnancies is better for mother and child.
But the project has not been without its problems. Nigerians are people with strong traditions and the Muslim villages are particularly conservative. The north of Nigeria is predominately Muslim.
But the women believe that family planning has made a big difference to their lives. In this film we see what those differences are and hear from the woman, the religious leaders and the community leaders.