As Health Riders in Lesotho it’s essential to learn how to ride your motorbike in rough terrain. Health workers in Lesotho have to contend with extremely rough roads and steep mountains in order to deliver the much needed health care and medical supplies to people living in remote & rural locations.
In this second film – in a series of six – we see how the riders are given this training at well run motorbike schools.
Isaac Monokwa found it extremely difficult, falling off many times and almost running over his instructor. But he persevered, because he had a personal reason to succeed. He’s HIV positive and wants to ensure that other HIV positive people get tested, do no despair and take their treatment properly.
In this often humorous film, we see how Isaac successfully manages to master riding a motorbike and in doing so delivers much needed supplies to a remote village where he is given an enthusiastic and warm welcome.
The mission of the Health Riders is to prevent someone from dying of an easily preventable or curable disease because they cannot be reached because of the barriers of distance, rough terrain or poverty. They strengthen heath systems by addressing one of the most neglected, yet vital aspects of development for the health of Africa – transport and logistics.